Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Vincent Van Gogh
image from


Anonymous said...

I like this picture because I love the colors; it looks natural and I tend to doodle flowers a lot because..... well...... I'm a girl and I like that kind of stuff.

Anonymous said...

I see brightly colored flowers and a bright background. there are bright orange and yellow flowers in an orange yellow vaise and the background is orange and yellow. The artist used color bye useing bright colors that stand out and prportion bye making everything lifesize. like the flowers fiting in the vaise not to high above or in the vaise


Anonymous said...

This picture has nice, soothing colors and its looks real and pretty. Some of the flowers look like they're dying and are loosing their petals. It looks like Van Gogh tried to use more than one shade of one warm color. One element of art is value. One principle of design is informal balance.