Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Son of Man

The Son of Man
Rene Magritte
image from


Anonymous said...

I dont really like this painting. This painting I think has balance in it. Also I tink it has texture, like in the clouds. That is what I think about this painting.


Anonymous said...

I see a dreesed up man with an apple over his face. He has a red tie a black hat and a black suit. The background is a stone bloc wall kinda black clouds and what looks like the ocean is behind him that is what i see. My element of desing is color is that the color is very dull except for the red tie and the bright green what i think is an apple but other wise it is dull. My principle is prportion and the proportion in the picture is very lifelike and life sized.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i see a man in a dress suit standing, as it looks like, a bridge over an endless ocean. I also see green fruit (maybe an apple) in front of his face so you can't see any details. Maybe the artist put the fruit there because they wanted to draw a person, but they weren't very good at making faces or noses or something or other. I think that this element of art is space because this painting looks extremely neat and has mostly negative space i think. And i think that the principle of art in this painting is proportion because of the exact size of the fruit that is just enough to cover the man's face.